Alla inlägg av Ulfons

9th of december..


Today we open door nine, today we will learn not to follow the line..

For becoming a better guide and human, you need to develop. If you fallow all others tracks you will not become better. We think 80-90 000 thoughts every day, and 90% of them is the same we thought yesterday. So you have do challenge your self, and your A good guide is prepared for the challenge he or she meets…

tumblr_majas4Ealn1qe983go1_500[1]I hope I have challenge you to challenge your self..

Here comes something good to dream of..

Sunset on the slopes[1]

I think I will got a real tough challenge upcoming week, and I am mentally preparing for it..It will be needed..

And a oldie goody:-)

See ya tomorrow..

Another tuesday or…


Today we open number eight, to change is never late…

Today it is all about go with the flow. I know, I talk a lot of training. But the training is for being prepared. I said it before and I will say it again: Train for life, but don’t live for the training…

Sometimes is just good to let the day become what it will. Enjoy what it ends up in. Just relax..


If you don’t change tempo time to time, you will not be able to reach the end. You cant go for fully machine, then you burn your self out..


Correct answer for this weeks contest:  De lappländska fjällkarlarnas klubb(Lappland mountain men’s club) and it was closed 1973 due to the last member died. The winner is Göran. And he will get the book Bergtagen. So use your Christmas holiday reading about a swede reaching the top of Kilimanjaro.

Enjoy some good Swedish music..

See ya tomorrow.

December the 7th, and about to get out from the comfort zone


On the winter night shines the moon, try something new and get out from the comfort zone…

Today the training was a tough one, and as our coach says; When the ”rest” is harder than the work, what will prevail? The mind or the body?
You have a choice.
The body will want to stop but the mind must prevail. You will be stronger on the other side if the mind can come out of the battle victorious.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

It is here you start to take a step further..The only thing to fear is the fear it selves, nothing else.


Everyone strive after the balance in life, we want the perfect situation. The perfect and optimal conditions. Today it will be a good day you think, and something distract you and you blame it for not being the perfect day. It is here your mind comes in. You must be the one steering your life.


And smile, The more you smile; you will discover yourself developing a new positive demeanour.

Ready for glaciers, and hard training?:-)

See ya tomorrow…

6:th of December, a contest and a tribute to Jamtland.


Today we open the 6th door, and maybe after this you will visit Jamtland more..

Today I will give a tribute to Jamtland. There is so lot of trails and mountain cabins well worth to visit. Three of my favourites is the trail from Ramundberget to Faltjagarstugan and Helags.


A view from Faltjagarstugan towards Helags..

The second is the area in Valadalen, it is more a pre-mountain area. Perfect when the weather up in the higher alpine area it to windy.


The guide Mattias Jansson working with avalanche safety in the Valadalen area.

The third one is in the eastern mountain area of Jamtland. Anaris. A seldom visit mountain cabin.


The small and seldom visit mountain cabin in Anaris.

And now it is time for this years first contest. The question today will be: Torsten Boberg was a member of a unique club, which one was that? And what year was it closed?

Good luck, and send a sms with the right answer to +46 73 701 28 50.  And you got the opportunity to win a Christmas present..Send the answer at the latest Tuesday morning.

The training this week: 9 workouts within 680 minutes, real good:-) and strict to the plan.

And some Swedish rock:

See ya tomorrow..



It is all about passion, and a three hour long cross-training workout…


Today we open the door with number five,  and give an a good example about where we should strive…

It is all about passion, when you meet them. The people with the genuine passion. They give you energy, power and encourage to take it a step longer. I think this is the reason for us all being here. To become passionate. If we are good in something and enjoy it, we become passionate. And if you think of a person that give you energy, usually it is a passionate person. You should take care of such a person, because he or she will give you the energy you need, for develop and got the power you need. So then what is passion? a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything. So start live your life within passion, that was what we are meant to do:-).

And you, get the passion of  the environment in the alps..


Today the training and challenge was three hours cross-training with Patrik, thank you for your passion. You really encourage me to take the training a step further today…


Damavand 031

A guide with passion..Photo: Mattias Jansson)

And the music for today will be..of course something connected to Saturday…

So secure more passion out there…See ya tomorrow, and then it is time for a competition…


Decemer 4th, about guide books..


Today its time for door four, and about guide books learn more..

When it comes to guide books it is quite interesting. There is two side, one is to be very clear of the area, and the second is how much ”other” information it should contains. It is very different how book publisher handle it. Cicerone do it on one way and the Swedish Calazo in the other. One example is the guidebook over Chamonix from calazo that is real good. It contains restaurants and culture, the grading of tours etc. Practical advice etc. This is real good from my point of view.


A example of a good guidebook..

And you, challenge your self. Get out from your comfort zone, you will develop and love your self more. Move your limits…Thank you Evolve! for moving my limits…

One hour tough circle training was the focus for today. Tomorrow is it time for this weeks challenge…

See ya tomorrow..


Third december, about a legend and some gear stuff..


Today we open door three, wonder what for tips it can bee:-)

My house god is Torsten Boberg. A real adventurer.


Always when I read a book of him I got inspired and want to up to the mountains. He was a real pioneer in Swedish alpinism. As the first of ascending the kebnekaise north peak in winter ha had made his name in the history books. His tour to Helags in jacket is indescribable. He was owning a mountain station, and he had a habit to go skiing without clothes. Only wearing a tie, he went skiing in the sun in the winter spring. One time he was discovered, with a result of one broken ski and one broken stick. The four women was just screaming, seeing a naked man in the ski-track:-) He also elected to the Swedish mountain men’s club in 1925. For being a member it was required to be a Lappland mountain man. You should have done at least two winter tours with such a anger to justify a membership of the board. That type of anger shall have the character of danger of life, inevitable harm caused by fatigues. Hard to get member of the club:-)

And now of to some new gear. Colombia which sometimes is a forgotten trademark have some real good stuff. The Titanium series has always been good. Now they have developed a new light, slim jacket. perfect for Peak performance..


If you interested you can read more here:

The training today was dead-lift and some front-squat. I following the training track..

See ya tomorrow…





2:nd December..


Today we open door two, and got a training suggest for you. Today I will give you a good training suggestion. You who has been following this blog, know that I prefer combined training. So here comes a good suggestion: warm up in about 10 min. Then do tree different exercise. Push-ups, Pull-ups, Squats, Kettle-bells, Bench-press, rowing, skiing, cycling. It is your fantasy that will be the limitation. do the three exercise for 10-30 minutes. Keep watch on the time and how many reps. you do. Then three weeks later try to, beat the result.

My own training today was something like it:-) Skiing, Kettle-bell swing, Next; box-jump and kettle-bells squat. And medicine ball exercise to end up with. Tired, you bet:-)

Some inspiration:

Tomorrow it will be by a legend and about some new gear:-) And at last some real good music, old school…enjoy train hard as hell:-)

See ya





A mountain trip and this years advent calendar..


Hello its time for this years advent calendar. And today we open hatch one. Today it contains some suggestions for a better winter camping. 1. Start with planning the space for the tent. Use your snow shoes, skies or a snow scoop. Dig a hole in the apse, so you can sit and get in an out of your tent. Use sticks from trees to anchor the tent. So now we are on track:-)

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIn the weekend I went to Jamtland for a hike. The weather was tough wind about 20-25m/s. But I went tenting and it was a good trip. Up by the silverfallet, it was really nice. And up to the top Storsnasen.


Hilleberg Nallo makes sure you get a good night sleep in stormy weather. So this was the weeks challenge.


The training is tough. Now its much of combined training, and the upcoming weekend will provide a good challenge:-) And look out for the contests, it will be good awards..

And this weeks music a good oldie..

See ya tomorrow..

New challenges, and the mountains are calling and I must go…

At last the winter air came. This weekend it has been sub zero degrees. It is great to got the first feeling of winter. Directly it feels like its time to go to the  mountain:-). If you want to have some good suggestion of peaks, and advice for a safe skiing, you can find it here:


And the training; well it continues as planned. This week it has been 9 workouts within 6 days. Totally 570 minutes. The end of the week was a tough one, but you can read more about it under the challenges.

Today I will focus of talking about our strength. The science point out that if we know our strength, this will generate:

Insight and provide perspective of your life. Generates optimism. Gives a sense of were you are going, your direction. Help you to develop your self confidence. Creates a feeling of vitality. Gives a feeling of fulfilment. Will help you to reach your goals.


This weekend I was in Eskilstuna. I run in to a outdoor-store. The mestute. A well-stocked store with a staff that really knows what they are doing:-), and really nice guys..


And now over to this weeks challenge. I think there will be two challenges this week. One will be to get to enjoy a week day. We always just celebrate its weekend. But I think life is to short for not celebrate a Tuesday or a Wednesday, so that will be a challenge ahead. The other is of a more physical nature. I have done 2km running, 70 pull-ups, 100 push-ups and 100 squats at measured time. Try it and I will provide you with my time, we can make a change:-) But it is tough. the goal will be to do 100 pull-ups and 200 push ups and 300 squats..

And at last some good music…

See ya soon…