Alla inlägg av Ulfons

About habits and mountaineering equipment and enjoy life..


Got up early in the morning yesterday. A fast and short breakfast. Put on the headlamp and the 25kg backpack. The harness in place and start lugging the car wheel. After 2 hours I was done. Great training, now the pre winter season really are on-going. For preparing for coming challenges, I think it is very important to challenge my habits. At the moment I have a total new focus and set up of training. Multi-training with cardiovascular involvement. berghaus-blog-5-4[1] For reaching the top, and peak performance you need to challenge your habits.

It is very easy to follow our normal patterns. But if you will go a bit further you really need to challenge your habits.  Then you will be much more prepared when needed. From a psychological point of view I will now give an advice. If you will be standing in a critical situation in the mountain environment or elsewhere, think and act as you have been in the situation before. This will help you out. Bergans the Norwegian company has produced a new summiting series. the Slingsby.


The training this week has been 9 workouts within 685 minutes. So it sticks to the plan. Now I will be hunting a long staircase… And at last a word from the guide: train develop and challenge yourself. But most important don’t forget to enjoy the life, maybe with a good cup of nice coffee in the front of the bonfire…And soon it is time for this years December calendar…


(Photo Bjorn Dahlgren)

Enjoy life…

Shine and inspire, let the change encouruage you to deeds.

I think that one of the most important thing with of our lives is to inspire others. I really love people who can challenge me and inspire me. If  I surrounding myself  with people who inspire me I also become a more inspiring person myself.  And this will be a good circle…


Become a inspiring person…it will help you and others:-).


This week’s challenge was a technical one. Started with one hour Slack-line exercise. You have to have patients. It trains your all body and mind. So really good one…


After lots of strength and endurance it was tine for technique and balance workout…

This week it has been 11 workouts within 590 minutes. Fridays challenge at the Evolve was a competition including; Kettle-bells, ski-machine, rowing-machine and medicine ball. tough and inspiring. I got some questions about the Evolve so here is the home page:

So now, get out there and be inspiring to the world…

Be a good example, care about others, encouragement, be inspired yourself, share from your own experience, be vulnerable, tell stories, be a good communicator, challenge people, and yourself, read and read a lot to find new inspiring areas…And keep on, let the chain continue your development. Let every day be a inspiring day..



Longing for snow, so here comes..RHCP with…yea right snow!

See ya soon..

Pre-winter season, Via Ferrata and challenge your self..

Pre-winter season. Early November morning. The forest is so quiet. The birds has left, and the sun light just stay for a couple of hours. The nature is preparing for the winter. Go with the nature and start preparing for the winter.


The mountains are calling and I must go…(Norder tväråklump foto U Bergman)

The training continues as planned. 10 workouts within 7 days. At the Evolve training at Friday it was a competition on the rowing machine. Tough race I can promise.

And the challenge..


This weeks challenge was the Via Ferrata at Skuleberget. Two routes, and the second one in a furious pace..


Via ferrata at Skuleberget, nice challenge…


Keep on challenge yourself for developing your skills and mental


See ya soon…


About leadership and increasing your mental strength..

Leadership at high altitude requires even more from the leader than in ”normal” case. As a guide or expedition leader you must be a step before. The most important quality will be to know and understand yourself (and that doesn’t matter if your a leader or a participant). You must challenge your self with your shortcomings and fears.


Leadership means knowing yourself in details..

In the mountains you will be exposed to different type of fears. So you need to be prepared. A skilled leader has a trained body and mind for unexpected situations.

So how can you prepare for that? Well, you need to improve your mental strength. And how can that be done?


The body is important to train, bur if you don’t train your mental strength you got stacked.

1. Be positive, really really positive..Focus on positive things, and your positive characterises.

2. Focus only on what you can control. The remedy is to be in the moment, and let the nature take its course. focus on your approach and attitude…

3.  Keep your emotional level steady. The key is to distance yourself from the game just enough so that you’re not swept away with the emotional tides. Visualize remaining calm and composed in even the biggest situations. Act like you’ve been in those situations a hundred times, and eventually you’ll feel like it too.

4. Enjoy the big moments. When you having a good time enjoy it. When you have a training session that feels good enjoy it and bring the feeling with you.

5. A prepared mind is a more confident mind. Self-confidence is your ability to influence the world around you. 

6. Forget about how you might look. Don’t bather about what other think about you. do it your way…

7. Have a short memory. Do not dwell things, get it over and move on. this you really need to train…

8.  Don’t expect perfect circumstances. What you have is what you have. Mental toughness is really just about approaching the game from the right perspective. The next time you step out onto the field, ignore the score, focus being in the moment and tell that little, criticizing and excuse-seeking voice in your head to shut the hell up. You’ll be glad you did.


And the training and challenge this week? Well 10 workouts 610 minutes, Friday was as usual a tough day. 30 minutes, pull-ups, push-ups, bear walks forwards and backwards. Anthony, the challenge is on, the rowing machine will be my challenge for this week. I know the target…


This week challenge rowing-Machine..

See ya soon..



A hard week of training and about humility

A real hard week of training. 11 workouts within 6 days. 670 minutes it was. The Evolve is really tough. Friday it was a competition rowing, punting and cycling. Ugh…And now over to this week challenge:


A combined training, a so called jungle-track. Hill running, strength and elasticity training. Burpees, Pull-ups, high jumps etc.




Technique and strength combined…

And now a bit of humility. One of the most important character a mountaineerer must have, will be humility. You must understand yourself, and others. You must be able to admit your shortcoming. And what skills you need to keep developing. This together with moving limitations in your mind. And as well beware of your partners shortcoming as well, and provide them with your knowledge and friendship to develop them.


Humility one very important characteristic for a real mountaineerer.


The top of Matterhorn, it is a quite small area…

Enjoy this film and think about Guillaume Dargauds quote:

The difference between climbers and normal workers is that climbers are glad of the Mondays, so they can rest.

See ya soon, and on Wednesday there will be something about mountaineering and leadership..


Training for the mountaineering season..

This will be all about training today. For becoming a good mountaineerer good physics is a subject. The training can be divided into three main areas. Endurance, strength and technique and also mental-training. If you going to a special mountain or area, you need to adept your training for special area. But for being fit for every adventure I will help you out with a suggestion.

First of all you must start at your own level. You must build up your body. That is best performed by endurance to begin with. Running is a conceptual base. At least three times a week is a must.


You can do hill training, cross-county training. Long running with back packing. track-running etc. Let the season help you with variation. Skiing, skating, rowing, swimming. Just  build up with longer workouts etc.

The strength and technique is very important. Here you build up your body to be able to carry your back pack. To reach the summit you aiming for…Work with the big muscles group. Legs, biceps, triceps etc. Low weight in the beginning and increase. Bench-press, deadlift, chins, kettlebell exercises, dips. This will be my suggestion to do at least twice a week.


The mental-training can be guided meditation, or target mobilisation and mind focusing.

And now we come to the essence, the absolute best is the combination of the three areas. The endurance can provide you the mental training. Move your comfort zone, keep on longer. Or train in stupid times such as night or very early morning time. This will help you to move your limitations. Train with a partner and challenge him or she with new ways of training. This will help you as well.

In the gym the combination will be to use the facilities in the gym.


Using the row-machine as well as the stair-master will help you to combine the strength and endurance at the gym. Another suggestion from my side will be to always use a backpack when training.


Get used by always got your friend Mr backpack near yourself..

This will strengthen you more, and your bode will get used of carrying it. The most important thing is to always challenge yourself with new ways of training. Your body has a very good habit of adept to the training you do, so you must trick with it:-). Hope I have encourage you to develop your training. I’ve been having muscle soreness in  three weeks (sv. träningsvärk) regards to the Evolve training set up. So that was good for me:-)

Something worth training for:

See ya soon..


New challenge, new jacket..

The evolve training continues, and this week it has been eight workouts within six days. All together 560 minutes. The tough training have some impact at the moment of how hard the challenges will be..

This week it has been kettle-bell and lots of barbells exercises.


Good strength training for upcoming winter season..


But this week challenge was:


This week the challenge was combined training. 7×1,1km with 5 minutes strength at the outdoor gym. Real good, and felt tired, tired afterwards…

At the moment I will test the Patagonia mixed guide hoody. A jacket with softshell and Gore-Tex..


A jacket with a interesting mixed solution, I will come back with review result..

And this weeks training music:

Train for the winter challenges, see ya soon..


Prepair and do the workout for the winter season, train insane…




10 workouts, new products and about the challenges…

A real tough week with 10 workouts and 624 minutes. This week challenge has given me a new perspective of my training and my approach to it. It is real good to think in new ways. So I will continue with the Evolve.


Evolve, when you ready to challenge your self..


Number three: Evolve…

Now I am planning for this week challenge, and I have some interesting thing in my mind..

Expeditions for the environment or for the own promotion. Today we can see more and more expedition etc. that is motivate for the environment. But I must challenge the thinking, flying to sensitive areas for that reason make me think that it is not for the environment, there are other drivers in that.


Expedition for the right reason?…

The Swedish outdoor magazine have decide to move the whole editorial staff from Åre to Stockholm. I wonder how that will affect the content. The night train has been stopped and now this….

Black diamond has done a inspirational film from Sylarna in Sweden. Enjoy it here

Peak Performance Black Light series has the new fall collection in stores.


Peak Performance Black Light jacket….

And at last a nice photograph from Kebnekaise..

Fredrik Neregård

A nice view from the path up to Kebnekaise South peak. (photo by Fredrik Neregård)

See ya soon and keep up for the new challenge…

Midweek update, tough challenge..


So this week the challenge was to enjoy the Evolve Fitness training. 5 workout with a real tough program. It is training in small groups and with very well skilled instructors. I wouldn’t say they are PT:s because they are more like instructors and coaches.  With barbells and jump as well as kettle bell training, it is real hard and good training. After three days I am feeling real tired in my whole body. After yesterdays training with chins, rowing, and barbells exercises I was totally exhausted..

So how can you be able to train harder?

1. Retrain your brain. You must decide to challenge your self..

2. Build a foundation, a platform were you can go from.

3. Learn to learn. You must be brave enough to test new things. Be ready to fail, just for be able to learn.

4. Secure that you have a good diet. Eat clean products..


The weeks epigraph…and I really live up to it. I can promise…

See ya soon..


Train for your brain, autumn season and the challenges..

Train your muscles and you will protect you brain from stress & depression.

It has been known for long time that physical training is beneficial for the body and mind. And it is something we all also can feel. But now has the research find out that the brain will be protected from stress and depression by workout.

Current research cant really explain what is happening neurological at a depression, but new research has helped out with a key for understanding. Now they got the explanation of what is happening biochemical  how workout protect the brain from stress and depression, says Mia Lindskog researcher  at Karolinska Institutet. What is known earlier is that the protein PGC-11a1, increase if we train our muscles. The researches used a breeding of mice’s with high levels of the protein. And they did a test with ”normal” mice’s in a  stressed environment (Such as flashing lights, high sounds, disturbed sleep etc.) The well trained mice’s(on a genetically way)  didn’t show any symptoms of depression, while the normal mice’s did.  What the researcher also saw was that the mice’s  with higher PGC-1a1 protein level also got higher levels of the enzyme; KAT, even this in the muscles. KAT got the ability to break down kynurenin. that is to be formed during stress. What the researcher discover was that this substance (KAT)inhibits kynurenin to reach the brain, and protected from stress and depressions..And I think you all have the feeling if you are stressed and train, you will feel better afterword’s. Here you got the clinical understanding of it.

Brain Focus - Imagery Muscles[1]

Train your muscles and protect yourself from stress and depression.

You can read, and listen here ( It is in Swedish)

Know the autumn season is here. I really like the fresh air, and all the magnificent colours. The lowland and the mountain environment shows its best side. Get up early in the morning and see the nature be bathing is the suns gold..


Enjoy the season..

I’ve been thinking and the training and knowledge about outdoor ”know how” and its a bit of knowing the four elements. All season got its all challenges due to that. It is not easy to start a fire for example in the autumn. The wind (air) is a very important factor to count with during winter in the mountain environment. As well as the thin air at high altitude. So train and learn how to control your body during the different prerequisites. So prepare and train yourself for the autumn seasoning…At two a clock yesterday Sylarna was the coolest place in Sweden with 2.4 Celsius degrees…


The training this week has been as planned. When I write this I still got two workout left, one at the gym and one trail-running. This will end up in nine workouts. Three of them has been swimrun. Swimming towards the wind was a challenge it selves, with wave coming up in my face. This with involuntary gulp of water(Sv. Kallsup) as a result.


Swimrun a good combined training for the whole body..and a good season training to adapt to cold water and so on..

But this weeks challenge was..


Barbells training in group, one hour with barbell. Really good, and it was cover all body training. Try it you will like it, and you will feel good and reduce the stress and depressions:-) 50 lefts..

The upcoming weeks challenge will be a tough one, it will be included 5 days..(shit, this one is a real challenge..)I will give an update of it at Wednesday.

See ya soon