Alla inlägg av Ulfons

3:rd of December, it is all about sauna.


Well, regarding subject you can find a lot. But today it will be about something hot.

In the mountain environment there is nothing lika a sauna after a day on skies or a climb. The temperature in the sauna shall be between 70-100 degrees celcius. Best is it if the sauna is placced near to a lake so you can take a bath. To get steam and heat you should throw  a bucket of water over the heaters,  ”Heittää löylyä” on finnish. So enjoy the sauna, and my favorites is the saunas in Lunndörren and Blåhammaren.


Lunndörrens sauna.


Blåhammarens Sauna

So now it is up to you to find your favorite among all mountain saunas. See you tomorrow:-)

Want to  know more?:


2:nd December, about the weather…


Time to open the second door, and about the wather learn somthing more..Most of the circumstances in the adventure you can influence. But that does not include the weather. Here you must adapt to the circumstances. So therefor it is important to understand a bit of the weather. So here follows some information about it. First of all, it is good to have some tools. A clock with a altimeter and barometer is good to have. The barometer can tell you if there is bad weather or a storm coming.

The next thing will be to see of the signs in the nature.

The halo:  A ring around the sun or the moon. This will indicate that it will be rain within the next 24 hours. If it is incoming low pressure, then it is big risk for precipitation.


Clouds: It there are clouds like cotton balls (cumulus clouds) and they ascends, then it will be rain showers. If the clods cover the entire sky and thicken more and more, the rain will be persistent.


 Wind: Wind from northeast brings cold air from the northern hemisphere in to Europe. Winddirection from northwest brings stabile weather situation and high barometic pressure. A warm front after rain and a wind direction from west, can build up a high pressure weather situation.

Start reading the weather now to prepare your self for upcoming adventures. See you tomorrow:-)

Want to learn more about it: of december. Time to start this years advent calender.


It has been a good week. With 9 workouts and one with a three hours cross-training pass, thanks for that Patrik. The week was eneded with a bath, nearly 3 degrees, it makes you alert. And overall 640 minutes. Well, now it is time for this years calender. There will be a quiz every sunday. But the questions will have there answers during the days of the week. So keep your attention on top, from now on. The first day in advent I will give a you tips of a book. Ola Skinnarmo the well known explorer from Sweden has given out a book of his expeditions in the polar area. So todays tips will be a suggestion of a christmas gift:


Skinnarmo was the first swede at the Southpole in December 1998. See you tommorrow:-)


How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains.

Started at 10 a clock from Enafors. The trail leads south, and up to the mountain area. The first four kilometers passes a mire area, I passed three bridges before the trail started to go up hills. It is so quite, and I can just hear my own breath.


When I left the last tree behind me, the sun colored the mountain side in gold.


With three top ascends it ha been a real good trip, the experience and skills is in place and I am ready for next adventure. But most of all, a fantstic awesome time in the mountains…Good for the spirit, good for the soul..


Time is 14.36, in a couple of minutes it will be dark. Now it is time to use the last of the daylight for preparing for tomorrows top ascends.

The summit of Sönner tväråklump:




 A happy guide in his best of modes:-) And soon this years calender with competitions will start, look out:-)


The mountains are calling and I must go…

It has been a good week. 10 workouts in 6 days, that will be ok:-). 550 training minutes this week that will do. Saturdays E-fit training was a killer..The week was also ended with a bath in Lillsjön. Now it started to feels cold, but after the cold water the air felt varm:-). Today the temprature was nearly six degrees…


I have starting the preparation for the yearly event at Getvalen. The mountains are calling and I must go….I need to breath the air of mountains…Secure you got a real good week, and strive for your life goals..


The trail near Silverfallet to Getvalen in Jämtland, close to Enafors..

Some pictures are more important than others…

I was reading in the DN newspaper on friday, as my normal habit I start reding the culture annex of the news. It was an article about Jimmie Nelson the Scottish photograper. He has been taken pictures of the natives around the world, fantastic pictures and the series was called ”Before they pass away”. I think we all have a responsible to take care of the natives. As we here in sweden got the Sami’s it is our liability to secure there culture and lifes. Follow the attached link and enjoy the fantastic pictures…


Photographer: Jimmy Nelsson.

The training goes well as planned. 12 workouts this week(11.5 hours), and of course a bath in Lillsjön. Today it was just seven degrees. Good for the spirit:-). Planning for upcoming tour to Jamtland is ongoing. Snow shoes and tent are checked up. Secure that you all will have a good fall week and train and stay focused on your targets and achivements.


To keep the good feeling….A nice cup of coffe..


A early morning, the sunset paint pink mountains. I know, its just gonna be for a few minutes. I enjoy the feeling 100%, this is the life..I have learn to keep it everyday. My coffe cup makes me to get the feeling. I have learn to remember when I take my coffe. That is my trigger, and I got the feeling. Pink mountains I enjoy, I promise:-). It has been a good week. 10 hours training. 10 workouts. The body adopts, thats good. Today I went out for a cross-country running workout. I finished  it with a bath in Lillsjön, just 7,5 degrees. Good for the spirit, good for the body. Mountains here we go…


Kebnekaise, your challenge?

Kebnekaise, higest peak in Sweden.
Kebnekaise, higest peak in Sweden.

Kebnekaise the most alpine area in Sweden. Sign up for a guded tour to the highest peak in Sweden. Here you can get the real alpine feeling with big glaciers and high peaks. Stay in the mountain lodge., and start the day with approach the peak…We will guide you if you want. The past week has been good. Ten workouts, and a ending of the week with a bath as a tradition. Se the poosibilities, and go for the top:-)

Training and upcoming events…

Cold bath..
Cold bath..

A wounderful autumn week. The training has worked as planned. Nine workouts and the body takes its. After the 15k cross-country running, I chose to take a bath in Lillsjön. With just 10 degrees it was quite revatilizing. Its good to get used of the cold temperature. Now is the time to check the winter gear, skis, skates and all other stuff that needs to be in shape. I an also planning for a trip to Austria, so if you dare sign up:-).

Sign up for Austria, Bad Gastein..
Sign up for Austria, Bad Gastein..

Sign up for Chamonix 2015.


Planning Chamonix routes…

Another week is done. Good training to be prepered for coming adventures. A mix of edurance and strength training. Totally 11 workouts. After running in the mornig today I took a bath in Lillsjön. With just 12 degrees my soul was refreshed:-) Fantastic autumn day, and a sunset which was amazing. I also have started the planning for coming routes in the chamonix area. I have find a good combination of glacierpasses and some real fine climbing routes.

Are YOU ready for the challenge:-) Sign up…