A thought from a guide about temporarily compounded groups..

A thought from a guide,

The challenge as a guide will always be the fact that you got temporarily compounded groups. The experience in the group will be in a wide range, and the guide have to adapt to that. Not always so easy. The main issue with temporarily compounded groups will be to build trust.

Who said it would be easy to be a guide..

When people come together in new constellations, they will experiencing uncertainty when meeting new people. This will relate to a stress, which will be the main thing to reduce for the participants. One way, or the most common way to do that will be to build trust to the others in the group. A quick trust that will solve the feeling of the inconvenience. “What will the other think, what will the other do” frighten will be reduced.  C L Popa means to get a fast trust in a temporarily compounded team there is three different parts. 1. That there is a tendency to be willing of taking risks. 2.  A wiliness of sharing experiences and skills. 3. To anticipate expectations of the group to be toned down. Here I may have lost you who not are guides. However, if you as a participant in a new group got this knowledge you know how you and “it” works, which means that you can get more out of it as a part in a “new” team or group. For us as guises it is so important to understand how we can meet up, and develop the activity so that it will be a so perfect experience for all participates. As a leader for a temporarily compounded group, there is three important areas to success.

Do you got the skills, always challenge yourself..

1. As a leader a success must be deduced to the group, on the other hand a failure must be the leader’s responsibility. 2.  The hearsay and rumor is important to success. Therefore, you have to build it up. That will be your trademark. 3. How to handle opposition and backlashes. A guide with good ability to improvise and adapt (listen) to the group will have a greater chance to succeed.

Love to skiing, cycling and the mountains..


”Sky running @ Mont Blanc..

See ya soon..

A nice trip to Sylarna, some gear. Via Ferrata and Mt. Damavand 2018.

Early morning, been awake since 05.30. The sun has been shining in through the windows since 05.00.

After a breakfast with porridge, I am now standing on my skies. The snow is crisp the thermometer shows -15. The body is still a bit stiff from the night’s sleep. The whole west Jamtlands Mountains is in my sight. With 21km in front and the wind from behind, this will be a terrific day. The ski conditions is perfect. In the small uphill’s it is just to take a short skate strokes. The target for the day is Sylarnas mountain station. A normal time for this rote will be 6-7 hours. Today it will just take 3 hours and 50 minutes. A day like this it is just a pleasure to do it. The Husky smell to reindeer and ptarmigan (sv. Fjällripa), and have to stop and check it sometimes.

Otherwise, there are few other touring skiers in the area. Surprisingly few people on the tracks overall. At Sylarna, there are more people. Lots of them doing the Jamtlandstriangle. A tour from Storulvan-Sylarna-Blahammaren and back to Storulvan. There are also many randonee skiers in the area. Totally we have done 75km within four days (in mountain environment) A quite nice tour overall. This will end this year’s winter season. Time for other challenges now. Check under news and updates and you will see..

In 1935, Torsten Boberg write the book “Mountain Sports” (Sv. Fjällsport). Here he give us the transparency of the mountain sports. The thing is that lots of the suggestions and tips are still relevant. How to navigate, packing routines etc. quite amazing.

New gear:

Casio G-Shock Rangeman. This is a heavy-duty clock, which tolerate a toughness of use. With barometer, thermometer, altimeter and compass it of course will be a good company in the mountain environment. It is quite easy to use, it sit comfortable and looks like a military box.  The negative thing with it is that the clock-face is small. For an old men like myself, it is hard to see. In addition, it is also a bit “shadowed” in some angles. So I will give it four (NNNN) out of five. (N) = Nordic Light Adventure measurement.

Mandra Night shell jacket from MilTec.. This is a three-layer shell jacket. A tactical jacket. It has many pockets equipped with zippers, meaning that the weight of course will be increased. It has the same quality as all other three-layer jackets. The breathable part is almost the same as all other jackets in the same category. The minus will be the placement of the zippers. Sometime they sticking to each other’s, a detail that other developer has fixed. Overall, it is a good quality and for the price ~ 94 Euro, you will get a real good jacket for that price. Rating:  (NNNN).

Upcoming reviews:

Salomon Wayfarer Mountain Pant. A pair of alpine trousers for hiking climbing etc..

The new season for via Ferrata is upcoming. From May we will start to provide the Via Ferrata service. Read under news and updates. Sign up and enjoy.

Via Ferrata at Skuleberget, sign up with us. Check under news and updates..

August-September 2018 we will provide a expedition to Mt Damavand(5610m) in Iran. So if you want to follow, sign up. You can check it under News and updates soon.

Today we embrace Freddie Wadling..

See ya soon