The cold drive me knots, and a new interview.

At last autumn , well that was my thought until a got the Cold. With a runny nose and a throbbing troat, there was nothing left to do then rest from the workout. But I used the time in a efficient way. This by improving my knots skills.








So now I got a improved knowledge and skills about knots, so the Cold brought some good stuff as well..

This week I have interviewed Lisa Lindblom, manager at Storulvån mountain station.

What is your background, were does your interest for outdoor come from?
-I have grown up in a sledge behind the families Greenland’s dogs. So, that was the winter and during the summer we hiking between cabins in the mountain environment, so it was quite naturally for me to be in the mountains.

Today you are manager at Storulvan mountain station, can you see any trends in the outdoor activities?
-Health and hiking is an overall trend for a quite long time now, but ski-alpinism is a fast-growing activity. It is comparable with how trail/sky running has increased the last years. I can see it in the interest of our courses for beginners in ski-alpinism. They are very popular, and even if I don’t have it statistically verified I think many of those who have participate in the beginner’s course continue with the step 2 courses as well. Higher and steeper mountains are more enticing all the time.

The area in the western Jamtlandsfjallen keep developing all the time, and now even Sylarna got its own restaurant. How does that affect the area with three mountain station serves dinner etc.? Will it be a challenge?
-Sylarna has always been in scoop for a restaurant. Due to budget, in the beginning STF choose to build water toilets instead of a restaurant. Something that has been regretted since that time. But all the three stations got its own profile and culture, so there will not be any competition between them.

If you got a pick your special area in the Swedish mountains, which one will it be?
-During winter the choice is simple; Kebnekaise. There are so many places for good skiing, so that would be my first choice. When it comes to summer, the choice will be Harjedalsfjallen.

Ok, so you have been manager for Blahammaren, Kebnekaise and Storulvan mountains stations what will be your next step?
-Well, I don’t know at the moment. I don’t think I will be retired as manager of a mountain station, so I wait and see what Life carries in its mind for me. I study at the sametime as I work, I still aiming for learn more things so let’s see what happens in the future.

From my Point of view Lisa has done a enviable carrier in the Swedish Tourist Associations. But I am not suprise, as she told me during the interview its hard work that is nessasary in the Tourist area. And that is something that is her hellmark.

Now it is time to prepair for the Winter season. This will mean skiing for some of us. In Åre we got lots of good skiing, and here you might give some suggestion of a hidden one..Listen and you will find out were:-)

But you must Always put safety in first Place. Dont let your best ride be your last..

And until the snow is inplace climb:-)

Another interesting thing is how we act during climbing mentally. How to push the limits. One of the best climbers in Sweden will be Said Belhaj, listen to his story here..

And at last, one of my favourites…See ya soon.

Forgotten and unknowned trails, The small adventures..

In the mountains we sometimes forgot the trails that other people dont use so often. You can look on the map, and if you are attentive you sometimes can se the old sami-trails in the terrain. One of my favourites is the trail from Vallbo to Anararis cabin, and goes trough the issjodalen over the passage South of Stor Ana Hogen. The trail is easy until the passage South of Stor Ana Hogen. Here it is uphills and it will be shingle until you reach the Anaris area were a seascape will be in your sight. You have a couple of kilometers left, and you can see the cabin. Though trail is very exposed, and the marking is just for sommer trail. You need to got experince for this one. If you will dig into forgotten trails you might read one of Torsten Boberg books, that will give you new ideas.

Number two is not forgotten, but not so knowned. Nordkalottleden(North Artic Trail) can be devided into three part or you do it all at ones. Whith  800km it will be challenge to all at the same time. The Daily stages are so long so need to bring the tent. It goes from Kautokeino to Kvikkjokk. So the trail passe Three countries,

The Nordkalotten trail goes through Sweden, Norway and Finland..


The interview serie continues, so far it has been 9 diffrent interviews. And it has been very rewarding.


Dont forgot the small adventures, why dont hike in your near, set up a Bonfire and take a coffee. A coffee outside taste much better..

Small adventures is nice…

When it comes to ice climbing the hands is a challenge. You must keep the warm and at the same time it is to get them Cold and wet..So I have tested the Camp G Comp Warm. This is a hybride. A finger glove with a coating. So when your are ”stand by” you can warm your hand and fingers up. So far I Think its good. But I need to test it in real Cold weather, so  I will ome back with a feedback. But it is a good glove that has got a good grip, and a thought thrue solution. so so far 4,5 out of five(but not in real Cold weater, it has not been tested)

See ya soon…

A real living myth full of humility..

A climber of rank..

Gudmund Söderin is a legend among climbers and outdoor people. First climbs in Norway and Sweden, he has on his track record. About 6-700 routes he has been the first man on. In addition, he and Franz Fischer were on the first ”Swedish” climb of MT Denali in 1977. He has also been responsible for the alpine mountain rescue in Jämtland, and has also founded the Jämtland Climbing Center in 1989. The well-known climbing wall at Storulvån is among others one of his work. In 1975 he also was the 6th in the World Championship in slalom.

But how did your interest in outdoor life begin?
-Yes all started, I was out fishing and skiing with Daddy. When I was 17-18 years old I ran around the mountains and fished and other. Around -75 I went with Frasse (Franz Fischer from southern Germany) who asked if I wanted to hang on and climb. So it was. Frösön Östberget, Sylarna, Iceland and Canada became. Among other things, a climb of Mt McKinley (Denali) and also on Greenland.

When did you get into the alpine mountain rescue?
”It must have been 82-83 sometime, but at the beginning of my career, I worked a lot with skiing in Iceland as a ski coach so it did not get much at the time.

Can you see any trends or something changed within Outdoors during the time?
-The big difference today is that it’s going to be so fast. There are short weekend trips, with a peak ride on skis for example. Brorsan has run a top trip for 40 years and I for 20 years (became a lot of climbing instead of my part) but that’s a lot more. Driving the white band in 14 days is also such a trend that it will be so fast. On the equipment side it should be easy, and it’s fine as long as it’s right.

Can you see if these trends affected the mountain rescue mission in any way?
-No not really. Not the form of the mission itself. However, there are many more who are out and are active today than before. Then, one can see that Youtube, Facebook and other social media influence how people activate themselves. You would like to drive on more difficult passages, etc. Then it is clear that there were few who were out on the first snow in October, and it is more common now. The ground has not tied the snow, so if it is built on, the avalanche risk will be greater.
Do you have any favorite place to share in the Jämtland mountains?
You must become Frostviken then. Summer fall and the winter. However, if you want to get rid of the snowmobiles, which is allowed in the area, you have to go in Norway. Then you will have a quite environment..

Do you have any fun episode you can tell us about?

I was working as a guide at the Sylarna mountain station, I think it was Mattias Jaktlund who was the manager at the time. I was in personal housing when the phone rang. It was the reception that told me one men was lying 500m from the station. So me and another guide Mattias Jansson went down to the man. It shows that he was cooled and also got the Parkinsons decise. At this time it was a Product event at the station and among others Klättermusen was one of the brands there. This man was wearing a pair of trousers from the brand. The owner Peter Askulv passing by passing by and asked if he could help, we told he couldnt.  Of a sudden the man woke up and asked why all was staring at him. he did’nt understand a thing of what had happend. I told Peter Askulv that it was because of the trousers(ha ha). Next day the man continued to Blåhammaren. A couple of years later I was at a mountain rescue seminar. I asked a doctor if he ever had meet a man with cooled and Parkinson decise at the same time. He aswerd no, and he did not got a good answer how to treat it…

And enjoy a old SVT program Vildmark, with Gudmund..

See ya soon…


Autumn is here..

Soon we are in the mid of October(54 Days left to the 1st of December:-), the time rush away. It has been a real good workout week this one, totally fifteen workouts. Focus will be on the cardiovascular area, and the leg strength. Needed for skiing, Ice climbing and skating:-). Now the temperature is also ok for the sledge dog for workout..

It is perfect time for catching up skills and go trough the equipment for the Winter. Planning for a project in Norway which can become quite interesting. Yesterday I got a rest day and increased the knot skills. Here comes a video of how to tie a Anchor knot..


One of the big issues while ice climbing is the hands. You must be able to handle all the belays, and at the same time not be so Cold, that you cant do the job. So I will test the Camp G Comp Warm glow, is a combined glove with a varming function.

So this will be interesting.

Keep up the focus, there will be a interview during the week. Now I am tired and will have a coffee and enjoy the end of the weekend..

See ya soon..