So now it is a fact, that the mountain tourism in the western part of Jämtland will be affected due to the lease agreement between the county government and the Swedish Tourist association. I will split this issue into three parts. First the history.
The last 130 years the Swedish Tourist Association have been having mountain huts and trails between them in this area. At the same time the Sámi have conducted reindeer husbandry in the area. There have been occasional discussions and resistance between the parties, but the business has flown on. The lease agreement has been continued to apply in the meantime. This lease agreement was to be renegotiate in the end of 2023. In the beginning of this year the Swedish Tourist Association tried to start a dialogue with the Amis with limited success.
The second part will be the facts: The Swedish Tourist Association has have focus in guest night at the cabins and mountain stations. The Sami’s has during of couple of years spoken about how the reindeers has been affected of the increased activities such as ski kiting and mountain biking and also the increased number of visitors. The services at the mountain stations has been improved and got a higher status. The Swedish Tourist Association has not been in dialogue with the Sami’s in the area for a long time. Also the Girjas verdict also have in impact in this issue as well. The result of all of this has been that the Swedish Tourist Association has to adept to much of the Sami’s opinions. So the opening times and also the services at the mountain stations and cabins has been affected from my point of view a lot.
The third part, my feelings and opinion: First of all I think the STF has failed here. This due to be to slow at the ball. The greedy of increasing the guest night, has now come to a payback time. It should have been much better to include the Sami’s much earlier. This is of course good for the area, and also from a guide point. The need of guides will now increase. People with less skills need a guide, and also to find other areas when this is fully booked. And again the cabins and mountain stations will be filled with steam from the boiling pots. And also the evenings big contest of which company cooks the best food…And I also think that the “real” mountain people will survival and like this decision in the end. We all love the mountains, don’t we?
I also have continue the review of the Lunhags Padje 45L back pack. With its just 1090g it is a light and stripped one. This means there is just one pocket,
so I have supplemented mine with two pockets at the hip belt as you can see.
It suit me fine and easy to adjust. But I am a bit concerned of the small straps.
Will they be strong enough? But it is big and I will see how much I can pack in it. The price is a bit to high due to what you got will be my opinion. But So far I really like it…
Eek A Mouse & DUB FX Ganja Smuggling – YouTube
See ya soon…