33 days of cold shower and about time…

Time tricks you mind, how to master it? Why does time fly away? The paradox of time unit. Our brain measure time by recording new experience. So  what if your habits has become daily administration? You are stuck in the comfort zone. So how to hack the system in that case? New habits and new experience will be the key. So try a new hobby every month, have conversation with strangers, Each new experience force your brain to pay attention. Do not over estimate what you can do over a day, and do not underestimate what you can do under a year.

Where do you want to go within your life? The more learning and the more skills you will end up in, will result in more opportunities or what is your experience of that? The key word here is productive procrastination, so chose to avoid some task for using the energy for learning something new. The health is also important of course. Mental health create mentally clarity. We was not build for eight hours of sitting still…Small movement during the day will help you out here. 10 push-ups here and a small walk there, 5 minutes of stretch and so on. Stock of a challenge, move on and the solution will come. Another thing that is important will be your emotion of things and circumstances. What controls our emotions are chemicals (or hormones). This hormones will last in your body for 90s (ok, 90s!) after that it is your choice if you want to stay in it or leave the emotion. Think of that, that might be a superpower you can learn to control due to that fact. This emotional regulation means that you will be able to reach out difficulties such as difficult conversation for example. Think if you got the feeling that you are in control of you emotions, and got the ability to stay calm. 90s think about it…

So to the conclusion of 33 days of cold shower, what have I experienced? What I learned is different days different resistance.  But, once I’ve been in the bathroom, it’s never been a problem. The cold days have been more challenging. What have been the effect then? Well, it is a really ”kick-start” of the day. The body & brain became awake at once, and it has felt good. 

Akon – Ghetto (Official Music Video)

See ya soon