13th of December, a good week of training and about leadership..


Today we celebrate the ”St Lucia” day in Sweden. Coffee and the star-guy and the ginger-cookie man will come for a visit:-).


The challenge this week was a swimming and gym workout. So 1000m swimming and a tough bench-press workout, it did feels. So why all this training all the time? Well the answer will come:-). The training over all this week results in: 10 workouts within 6 days, and 10 h and 14 minutes of totally training.

Today I will give you a chronicle over leadership. When it comes to outdoor/adventure leadership it is applicable even to business. The big difference will be the effects of making wrong decisions. In the adventure environment it can result in serious injure, or even death. Whatever you got the same challenges in both areas. To begin with, becoming a leader or a guide it is important to have first of all in mind:


Now it is not all about YOU, it is all about others…

As a guide or a leader, you must be encouraging, motivating and developing. Your self and others.


Another thing to have control of in the business as well in the mountains, will be fear. Fear have ruin a lot, you must be brave. Brave to say yes, but most important to say NO. In the business it is always a choice of prioritization. If not saying NO, nothing will be delivered or done in a proper way. The same as a guide, when a client try to go further than his or her ability, YOU must say no. So here it comes to physical and psychological training. The better prepared you are, the better decision will be done of you. The more difficulties you exposure your self with, the better leader you will become. A mountain-leader got the advantage to do failure. Either you reach the summit, or you fail. And out of that you become stronger and more prepared.

And as a leader you most show the way..


Developing and lead by example, that is what I try..

It is also very important for the leader to build up a strong group felling and get all to be happy, and get the challenge in the right level for everyone.

So when it comes to choosing guide, consider all this things. Who will be the one to guide you for your adventure:-)

And now over to this weeks contest:

How high is the official number of Kebnekaise. And who was the first official to reach the summit of Helags? send answer as SMS to +46 73-701 28 50


See ya tomorrow..


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