Stay fit, Via Ferrata and outdoor fair.

Tired, global squats, box jumps 105 pull ups. Well the week so far the training has been challenging. I got aches every day, the positive part is that it is I new part of body every day.

Via Ferrata, a easy way to climb outdoor. A perfect family activity. It is challenging, exciting and safe. It is easy, and you can rent the needed equipment. And it is a good workout for the whole body.


What you need for via Ferrata, approach shoes, helmet, Via ferrata sling, a carabineer, gloves, and a small tight back-pack. You can hire it. If you go with us we can provide you with equipment.


The upcoming weekend the outdoor fair will be open at Alvsjo-fair in Stockholm. Don’t forget it:-)

And 14th April, there will be fjallfest at Storulvan. Lots of good stuff coming up:-)


And at the end some music, and look at the move and enjoy. See ya soon


2 reaktion på “Stay fit, Via Ferrata and outdoor fair.”

  1. Great with Via Ferrata. Its a nice activety. I can recomend ”munkstigen” in Trondheim. Great weivs over the Fjord. Thanks for posting ”fjellfest”. Pathfindertravels will show the Banff mountain film festival. Stay fit Ulf. Helags coming up…

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