The trail system in Sweden, some abut trends…

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency(Naturvårdsverket) has during a couple of years upgraded the whole trail system in Sweden.

The Jamtlandstriangle trail..

The trail system over all includes almost 900 bridges. 170 of these are hanging bridges and 300 are beam bridges(balkbroar) Lots of the haning bridges are old, and they are very expensive to replace.

The hang bridges are expensive, but important..(one out of almost 900)

On the other hand those are very important for the availability. When it comes to wind shelter there was 84 from the beginning. Today there are 176 of these. The whole cost for the upgrade is going to someware around 27 milj. Swedish crones. So think about that when you enter the trails:-)

The brand Meindl has started a cooperation with the outdoor bureau Systrar I Bergen. A organisation that will get more females out in the wilderness. Maybe this is a trend, that there will be organisations and companies in the outdoor business chose to work with different niches and areas of interest.

And now to the workout. Now its the perfect time for trail running, at least in Europe. The light is up at 04.00 so you cant complain of that. And if you use the terrain, you can find 100 different way of workout methods.

The ”force path” is one of my favourites.  Find a trail that is maximum 1000m. When you pass a stone or a bench, stop and do 10-20 push-ups. After another 300m stop and do 45 sek hollow body rocks..

Hollow body rocks position..

Just continue like that and add your favourites core exercise..


And you take care out there, always safety first…

See ya soon..


En reaktion på “The trail system in Sweden, some abut trends…”

  1. Thanks to Naturvprdsverket and Länstyrelsen for a good job. Mountainmen as you and I dont need bridges but others do…

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