So, then it was time to open door seventeen, and look wats there..
Today I was thinking about the big adventures and the small adventures. We sometimes tend to forget that it can be the small thing that matters…
We can read about those ones who have done the seven summits and we wish that is has been me standing there..But hand to our heart, do you relly think you have been a more happier human with that? I think that the risk today is that we always want to be someone else or somewhere else. I think it is better to come in terms with who you are and go from there…
And related to yesterdays blog, you here got a video for sharpening your ice axes..
The qoute of the day:
”The difference between climbers and normal workers is that climbers are glad of the Mondays, so they can rest.”
Guillaume Dargaud
Choose your ambition in Life…..