The first blog of April, about trends among others..

Tired, that was the feeling yesterday. After a real tough workout week, I decided to move the blog to
day instead. I was lost of inspiration and power, but know I got it back. Today it will be of course
about…workout, the hunt for the perfect gear and one of my loved area trends in the outdoor. So,
let’s begin there.
The ATTA (Adventure Travel Trade Association) have done some research of the topic, and here you got the inforamtion about the results:
The adventure tourism still grows. The estimate will be that 280 million household will be travelling
in 2025. So, the area as such will increase…China is one of the most growing nations when it comes
to adventure travelling. The traveler from China also need help from tourist providers to guide them
to their adventures.
The report also include that the solo travel will increase. It will not by default be single individuals, it
can be partners who doesn’t share their interest etc. So special grouping for this type of adventure
travel will be a demand for travel agencies. “Slow travel” is also an area that is increasing. This will
include staying in the place for a longer time, typically around some month. The participants of this
type of journeys got the ability to work remotely and have the drive for experience new destinations.
Adventure travelers seek wellness and mental health benefits in their itineraries. Wellness recovery,
From a product perspective the trail tourism will be in focus. A long weekend will be good enough for
a lot of practicing their activity whatever it is running, hiking or cross-country skiing. This in
combination with wellness etc. will be a clear trend. “Great Himalaya trail” and Camino de Santiago is
two of typical types of these trend. Another very clear trend in product is the increasing of female
adventure products. What we can see is an increasing with 230% of number of women only travel
suppliers. Also, winter travel area will increase. Glaciers, skiing, aurora borealis and winter scenery is
what the tourists longing for.
Adventure destinations need to prepare to avoid the problems of over tourism. We can see this in
the Swedish mountains as well. There are a few very popular areas, such as Kebnekaise area and
western Jamtland. Even if it can’t be compared to Machu Picchu…
So, if you are in the area, here you got some initiative to grab on to…

When it comes to workout I’ve always try to change and try new models of training for being able to
develop. This week I went for a martial art session with a boxing/MMA instructor. After a 75min
session I was completely exhausted. With a 45min hill running session at Saturday and a 10k run at
Sunday I was empty. Add also all dog training to that…

When it comes to gear I am hunting for the optimal solutions. I have got a trouser from Salewa. This
is a brand I really like. It is not so expensive, and they always got good and innovative solutions. This
time I will review the Ortles 3 DST pant. A softshell pant for 4 seasons, light Durastretch with Cordura
enforcement on the inner legs. Wind resistant and water repellant. This could be the optimal trouser,
the only one you will need?:-)

See ya soon

En reaktion på “The first blog of April, about trends among others..”

  1. Great reviews abput trends in the tourism abd adventure area. I think that you should continue developing and expand your tourcompany Uffe

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