I’m only human…

Three days ahead, it is time for a mountain journey again. This time it will be in the Vålådalen area. This trails are mostly located below the three line, but close to the mountains. So it is a very nice area. Last time the media has been holding focus of the situation in Jämtland and the discussion about it it will affect other areas, such as Kebnekaise for example. Up there STF has given the information that they don’t have the same problem. It is a much bigger area and they have already steer it up with pre-booking and so on to the cabins. But what will be my reflection now a week later…It will affect me in the way that it now can be a little longer tours. There is a plan in my mind, so it might be a nice one…This week has a been messy. A lot at work, a lot in the non-profit association among others. And all thinking about all in the mountain and others at the moment take more energy than it gives. So need to slow down. I’m only human…

Listen to this, nice…See ya soon…

Morningsiders – Don’t Let Me – YouTube


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