A new workout target…

Today I can state were in the last week of September. Looking back to a summer with a lot o mountain adventure, I can be really pleased. A tour to Helags, one to Oviksfjällen, another to Storulvån and one to Lunndörrsfjällen. That a great summery of this summer. Honestly I miss the Alps, but you cant get it all…There’s a lot going on at the moment and that is something I like! Upcoming weekend we going to have a Summer assessment in Offerdalsfjällen, this with six aspirants for the IML certification. My thoughts about that is; how to become openminded and impartial…Well I think it starts with love, compassion, joy and equanimity. By being clear with the expectations I think were on the way.

It will be really nice to get to the Offerdalsfjällen again. This area is a hidden pearl. So I am looking forward to it. It is always also interesting with the examination of new guides.


When it comes to workout I got my self a new target; 80st Push-ups, 80st. sit-ups(both part must be done within 120 S each) 15 pull-ups, 1 mile (1,6km) run under 7 minutes, 1000m clothes swim within 20 minutes and end it up with 19,3km  with a backpack with a load of 20,4kg maximum of 180minutes…all in one day in a row…I will give you update how its going ahead…

See ya soon

Dickey Lee – I Saw Linda Yesterday – YouTube

I Won’t Back Down – YouTube



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