The mountains are calling, Becoming a good mountaineerer and the good feeling..

Spring time, this means more light and warm winds. Now it is easy to train, it follows the plans. Soon i will breath the mountain air again. The mountains are Calling:-).

I been thinking of the fact of what a good mountaineerer is. I think it is a skilled mountain person that now his/hers limits, related to the conditions. A person who understands when the limits can be moved without risking the safety.  A person who always try to develop her/him self.


Ed Veisturs a good mountaineerer.

The training goes on, and it feels good. Today I have my rest day. It feels a bit strange, not exercise. A sign that it perfect to rest:-). Now it will be hill training in the weekend…

And it is also important to enjoy life, and the calm after a good workout. And what can be better than a good cup of coffee..


Don’t forgot to enjoy life….

Music this time will be a oldie goldie..

See ya at sunday:-)



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