The entrance to the mountains…

The Swedish mountains stretch from Dalarna in the south to Tre riksröset in the north, and when we talk about Jämtland we often mean the western part.  But the Jamtland mountains has much more to contribute with. The Oviksfjallen and the Offerdalsfjallen and also the Skäckerfjallen and of course the Vålådalsfjallen. With that as a starting point, there are so many variations of tours you can do. You can start from Vallås, the sami village and hike toward Lunndörren or Anaris mountain cabin. Or why don’t you start from Hoglekardalen and hike towards the Anaris cabin or towards the Arådalens cabin. Another really nice tour is to start from Tossåsen and hike into the Lunndörrs pass, this will be a tour you want forgot. If you start from the Ramundberget towards Fältjägarstugan and Helags, you will get the opportunity to have the view of Helags from the backside.  From Helags I will recommend two nice trail choice. First you go from Helags toward Vålåstugorna. This is one of the trail with longest distance in the area. Afer 12km you passes Ljungan and now it will be uphill’s. But when you reach the cabin you can take a bath at ”Sturebadet” A creek near to the cabin. From here you can chose to go to Gåsån. This two trails you will be almost on your self. So as you cans see you got a lot of trails and path to try. And if you already know them all, try to find the old Sami paths in the area, with a compass and a good read at the map, you might find interesting trails in the area…

This week it has been a good training week, and ended it up with a orienteering workout today. It is good to wrap up the skills, and it worked out good. One miss, related to that I read the map badly.

The upcoming week will be hectic related to meeting in the Swedish mountain council and a annual meeting with the Swedish Mountain Leader organization and a trip towards Moss in Norway…

Skarra Mucci – Roots Rock Reggae Ft. Yaniss Odua (Official Video) (

See ya soon..

En reaktion på “The entrance to the mountains…”

  1. Some good advices here Bergman. My favourite is of course Sylarna the alpine mecca but also Silverfallet ofcourse…

    Do you have any advice for Skäckerfjällen?

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