Become a more positive person….

Positive thinking.

This is a topic I’ve been writing about before, but it always important o be reminded of it. We always got more negative feeling than positive, this even scientifically proven . So this we really must remember and always focusing of the positive thinking.

Change Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) – Daniel Amen, M.D. (

This meaning we must filtering at the positive. So filtering the positive in everything, and the first step is done. T is easy to fall into negative thinking like this:

Polarized thinking, Well, this is about the grey scale. Nothing is black or white, so se the possibilities in everything.

Overgeneralization, This is when we conclude a experience as bad for just one negative part. E.g. I failed the test so now the whole term will be a disaster…

Catastrophizing, also known as “magnifying,” catastrophizing is when we exaggerate the negative details of an event, making them a much bigger deal than they are.

Jumping conclusion, We jump to conclusions when we make a hasty judgment or believe something to be true without bothering to consider all the facts.

Personalization, This is a cognitive distortion where we take everything personally and compare ourselves to others.

Control fallacies: There are two types of control fallacies. If we believe we are externally controlled, we perpetually see ourselves as the victim of external forces. If we believe we have internal control, we imagine that other people feel a certain way (pain, happiness, sadness, etc.) because of something we did.

Blaming: Blaming is when we either blame others for our emotional pain or blame ourselves for every problem. It is always someone else reason that you feel bad…

Always being right: Similar to how it sounds, when we engage in this distortion, we believe we’re always right and will argue with people who think otherwise

Emotional reasoning: Emotional reasoning is when we believe that everything we feel must be true.

So, ok know we got the understanding of how and why we can think and act due how we think…That’s good, but that I know. What I don’t know is have to get out from thinking like that…Well her you get some tools.

  1. Since you reading this, the firs step has been taken. Be aware of your thoughts. One really good habit is to scheme a meditation. Prompted awerness (such as meditation) got a habit to stop during the day and be in the presence and reflect over your thoughts.
  2. Turn negative into positive. Next time you find yourself saying “this will never work” or “everything is ruined,” try to oppose that thought with a positive one. When the negativity appears challenge yourself is this true, is this thinking relevant due to the situation?
  3. Adapt your thinking, adapt the situation. Take a deep breath, and try to se it from another angle. Take yourself out and distance you’re from the problem.
  4. When you end up in a negative situation create a way of good thinking such as, Make it happen, I am enough, I got this, I choose to be happy. This is one of the special forces golden key. I have done some similar before, and I fixed it.
  5. Practice daily gratitude, This is one of my favorite, define what are you grateful for today.
  6. Pay it back. Pay for a strangers coffee, Participate in a charity activity etc.
  7. Switch up your environment. Be with people that give you energy, and positivity, Spend time in the nature, this is probably something you already know and feel about.
  8. Develop morning routines. For you how been following this blog, this is nothing new. Exercise-Workout-shower cold etc.

The Tierra Templet 3L Jacket is a Gore-Tex three layer alpine (heavy duty) jacket. It is developed for snowy action sports. What I like with it is the ventilation solution. This is on the side, and easy to handled. Normally this type of solution is under the arms, and can be a bit difficult to reach. But not in this case. Overall it is a good jacket, and the finish is fine. From my point of view it is a stripped jacket, with less details. But it still is a ”heavy duty” jacket which I gladly will bring in high alpine areas. So the result (NNN+)

Poor Little Fool – Ricky Nelson (

See ya soon

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