Todays door is three, and it about the Swedish Mountain Leader standard it will be..
Since the beginning of 2000 the current standard has been used, and not been updated or reviewed. So that’s why the Mountain Leader Council was founded in 2023. Todays standard contains 16 different steps that must be completed in at least 24 days. So now FLR (Mountain Leader Council) together with the educators has started the journey of develop and adept it of todays need and requirements. So how and what will be changed then? Well, that is something the work ahead will result in, but due to sustainability for example it will be a part and also about the environment changes due to ice and winter trails and avalanche parts etc. Is what I can se will be handled. But now I go the event in advance…
The Mountain Leader standard is one out of many parts for the mountain Safety. The history has shown that with a clear ownership and awerness of leading in Mountain environment will be a good platform for safety.
Alice Cooper – Santa Claus is coming to town
See ya soon…