In the near of Sulitelma the Pite river begins with its source flows. The Sami presence has existed in the area since ancient times. The river is just over 410km. When following the river, you will see and feel its different temper. The river is one out of four unregulated undeveloped national rivers in Sweden. The biggest waterfall in the river is Storforsen. With its average water flow of 250 m³/sec and the drop height of 60 m, it constitutes one of the largest rapids in Europe. It is Europe’s largest unregulated rapid where the total length of the entire rapid, from start to finish, is 5 km with a total drop height of 82 m. Below Storforsen, Piteälven’s largest tributary joins Varjisån. The river also passes the village Älvsbyn, which is very picturesque.
Lykke Li – I Follow Rivers – Magician Remix [Music Video]
See ya in a moment….
This looks like a realy cool place Bergman with the glacier in the top and the mighty onspoiled river downstream.